BRC Analytics

Analytics for pathogen, host, and vector data

Comprehensive tools and workflows for exploring and interpreting genomic annotations and functional insights into disease-causing organisms and their carriers

Get started

March 26th webinar

Join Anton Nekrutenko on March 26, 1:00 EDT to discuss updates to the BRC Analytics site as well as a recent improvements to Galaxy, primarily focusing on workflows.

See the announcement for more information and zoom link.

Share your usage and join our advisory panel

BRC Analytics is actively evolving to provide comprehensive data access and analytical tools for all 785 eukaryotic pathogens, host taxa, and vectors previously supported by VEuPathDB. We need your help to improve—share your usage patterns and join our design advisory panel to help shape the future of the platform.

BRC Analytics allows you to analyze your own data in the genomic context of numerous pathogen, host, or vector organisms.

Select an Organism

Select from pathogen, vector or host organisms.

Select a reference assembly from NCBI and view on the UCSC Genome Browser.

Choose from curated Galaxy workflows for your assembly.

Run your analysis workflow in Galaxy on TACC with free compute.
Discover Organisms

What is BRC Analytics?

BRC Analytics pairs official genomic data provided by the NCBI Datasets and UCSC Genome Browser with unlimited analytical capacity of Galaxy Platform powered by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC).

GalaxyA platform for the analysis of data at any scale using public infrastructure
NCBI Datasets
NCBI DatasetsA singular source for standardized genomic and functional data
UCSC Genome Browser
UCSC Genome BrowserA global platform for visualization and interpretation of genomic data
TACCOne of the world’s leading academic computing centers

Your questions, answered

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at, or join discussions on the Discourse forum. We're here to help!

We are starting with a small number of pathogen and host genomes to flesh out the full functionality of the system. We will then expand to all genomes that are available at the VEuPathDb system and beyond. Note that we can add any genome to the system as long it is officially released. You can submit your own requests for additional datasets at

I used to rely on VEuPathDB to perform my analyses. Now that it is no longer available, what can I do? Many types of analyses are possible via integration with the Galaxy system while we continue to build this new BRC resource.

BRC Analytics will provide access to genomic data and an analytical environment. The data will be based on the official releases provided by NCBI Datasets and deployed through the UCSC Genome Browser. The analytics will be provided by the Galaxy system supported by powerful computational infrastructure provided by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and ACCESS-CI consortium.

  1. How is this possible? Analytical capabilities of are sustained by Galaxy Project. In turn, the Galaxy is deployed on vast computational resources provided by the ACCESS-CI consortium and TACC. Each user is provided with 250 Gb of permanent storage and 1Tb of temporary scratch storage. A variety of computer systems is available depending on what kind of analysis tool is used. These range from typical cluster nodes to large memory machines suitable for genome assembly or GPU-containing nodes.
  2. How long are my datasets stored? There is no time limit on data stored within the permanent storage (250Gb). Scratch storage is limited to 60 days.
  3. Who can see my work? You. To be seen by others you data, workflows, or visualizations need to be explicitly shared or made public.
  4. Can I upload restricted access data? BRC-analytics and Galaxy are free, public, internet accessible resources. Data transfer and data storage are not encrypted. If there are restrictions on the way your research data can be stored and used, please consult your local institutional review board or the project PI before uploading it to any public site, including this Galaxy server.
  5. What if I mine BitCoin? You will banned from using this site forever.